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Blog Post

The New HMSC Blog System is Up & Running - Please use it!
By Micke Kuwahara • May 14, 2021 (14:36)
Modified by Anonymous • Oct 14, 2021 (08:52)
Time to Read & Write
After a couple of months of banging my head against a whole range of bad blog solutions, I finally decided to write my own blog system, and this is it.

As of today the HMSC Blog is now officially open, and although it is currently just me, Ken and Kathleen who have the authority to post to the blog, if you wish to contribute, you too can do so. Just send us a message via the contact form and tell us of your desire to publish.

For all you others that just wish to read new and interesting stuff of all things between heaven and earth, I implore you to sign up to the HMSC Blog Mailing List immediately, and stand by for greatness. 😄

I truly hope this will be a water hole at which we can gather around over time and share stories and thoughts.

For no other reason than that it is fun I will also share a music video below from a British family who tries to stay fairly sane during the Corona lockdown.

Until Next time, take care and stay safe!

/Micke Kuwahara, the Webmaster


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