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HMSC Governance

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By-Laws of HMSC

Article 1 - Name

Section 1 - The name of this organization shall be Hokkaido Multinational Support Community (HMSC).

Article 2 - Objectives

Section 1 The objectives of HMSC shall be:

(a) To support the lives of residents of Hokkaido, including foreign nationals, especially seniors.

(b) To provide information through presentations and other means

 to enable a good quality of life.

(c) To promote various types of social interactions both within HMSC and with the wider society.

Article 3 - Membership 

Section 1 - Definition of Membership

A member is any resident of Japan who pays the annual membership fee and agrees to abide by the HMSC By-Laws.

Section 2 - Types of Membership

The Executive Committee can decide the types of memberships, for example: independent, joint (with a partner), or senior (age 75 or above).

Section 3 - Membership Fees

The Executive Committee can decide the amounts of the annual fees.

Article 4 - Officers and Executive Committee

Section 1 - Officers 

The officers are the nine Executive Committee members and one Financial Auditor.

Section 2 - Executive Committee positions



Recording Secretary


Membership Coordinator

Google Drive Administrator

Program Committee Chairperson

Zoom Administrator


Publicity/Public Relations

Section 3 - Non-voting Executive Committee members

The Executive Committee can invite one or more people to serve as non-voting members.

Section 4 - Financial Auditor position

The Financial Auditor will audit the financial business of the previous year ending March 31. They will submit an audit report on the status of the financial business to the EC before the Annual Business Meeting.

Section 5 - Selection of officers 

Nine Executive Committee members and their positions will be approved at the Annual Business Meeting, held within two months after April 1 of each year.

The Financial Auditor will be appointed by the Chairperson, subject to approval by the Executive Committee. The Financial Auditor will not be an EC member.

Section 6 - Term of office of the officers

All officers will serve one year, from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Terms are renewable.

Article 5 - Executive Committee meetings

Section 1 - Quorum

The quorum for an ECM is five voting members. A majority vote by the committee members present is required for passage of motions.

Section 2 - Presiding officer

The Chair or Vice-Chair will preside at all meetings, or in their absence, a temporary Chair shall be named by the Chair, or upon their failure to do so, by the members present.

Section  3 Annual Business Meeting

The EC will hold an Annual Business Meeting within two months after April 1.

Article 6 - Amendments to the By-Laws

Section 1 - Submission 

Suggestions for changes in the By-Laws should be submitted to the Chairperson for consultation with the EC. The EC will determine if the suggestion will be  included in the Annual Business Meeting for approval.

Section 2 - Approval

Amendments to the By-Laws shall be approved by a majority vote of all attendees of the Annual Business Meeting.

Article 7 - Dissolution of HMSC

Section 1 - Dispersal of funds 

If HMSC is dissolved, the funds will be donated to a Hokkaido charity, selected by the EC.

• • • •

History of Approval/Amendment:

1. First formally approved January 15, 2023 by the Executive Committee.

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