Meeting will be held via Zoom. Details will be sent out to all Photo Club members a couple of days prior. Anyone wishing to join the meeting can contact Jess King.
Meeting was held via Zoom. Present were Jess, TJ, CA, and Nobu. Peggy also sent her photos but didn't make the meeting, unfortunately. Her photos were uploaded to the HMSC website with the others. CA didn't have any photos this time around but did participate and provided some excellent comments on the other photos. TJ had some photos of cars with unique license plates that we decided not to upload due to their information being able to lead to the owners who we did not have permission to share. Otherwise, TJ's pictures portrayed some unique Hokkaido culture. Jess covered his new toy - a trail camera and some of the pictures it has captured at his home from the balcony.
Check out the Photo Gallery for some photos shown and discussed during the event.